balance energy
balance energy energy efficiency solutions


Greenfield Energy Strategy

Energy is often a top order operating expense in large scale projects. Many projects find that once in operation, energy expenses are higher than forecast and that key options to reduce energy spend were overlooked during project development.

Balance Energy and our management partners can deliver overarching management and techno-economic strategies to ensure that:

  • The most cost competitive sources of energy are used; and
  • The highest possible energy productivity is achieved, once in operation.

We ensure that a consistent energy strategy is tied together across all project participants, from design to implementation.

Balance Energy will help drive your project production costs into the lower quartiles within your industry.

Brownfield Energy Strategy
Balance Energy helps our clients to deliver their site energy strategy.

Balance Energy has the engineering capability, the technical knowhow and the commercial energy experience to help sites prioritise their energy efficiency projects and their energy supply options.

Our team has analysed in detail the key innovative options that many sites consider; biogas, waste heat power generation, power factor correction, woodwaste, heat recovery (from multiple sources), cogeneration and many others. We know what these options cost and how they perform.

Equally, Balance Energy has assessed and/or implemented hundreds of efficiency measures and again, we know what these measures cost, how they perform and their practical implications.

Balance Energy has the ability, experience and confidence to quantify opportunities and assist site staff to secure management buy-in for energy strategy.

Following On From EEO (Energy Efficiency Opportunities)
Many sites have developed long lists of EEO measures – Balance Energy assists our clients to quickly and efficiently eliminate the non-viable or impractical options, quantify the viable options and prioritise options for execution. We then support execution through to process change or commissioning.





Steam Reboiler

Large Fan Pressure
Loss Reduction
Heat Recovery Installation
Regenerative Thermal Oxidation • Adelaide +61 (8) 8223 6000 • © BE 2014
site by Genki Design